Juried Salons and Exhibitions
Prints and images accepted into juried Salons and Exhibitions

A Shell Game
A series of transformations of an image of a Nautilus shell. All the variations are the result of applying conformal mappings to the basic image. The program used was Picture Window

Transformational Abstracts
Transformational Abstracts begin their life as an image from the natural world, then grow into their eventual shape through a series of transformations. Perhaps an analogy to the ways we become what we are.

A Structured Universe
Abstract and other images set against the background of the Bolshoi Simulation of the distribution of the Galaxies. Every white dot in the first image is a GALAXY!!, The width of the image is 3.5 Billion Light Years. The simulation closely resembles the observed Universe. That there is structure on such a grand scale prompted this project

Impressions of Pot Luck Ceramics
A series of Impressionist images inspired by the joyful energy of the Pot Luck Ceramics team and the Spanish ceramic cookware and dinnerware that they sell to raise funds for Hospice and other charities in Port Alberni, BC Canada. See http://potluckceramics.ca

Macro Abstracts - 2 min version
Something interesting happened yesterday evening while I was sharing this project with a group of photography friend. The presentation slipped into slide show mode and there was silence through 3 or 4 repeats of the show. It seemed to have a calming effect.

An exploration of flow in air and water

Black & White
Black and White Photography